Singapore Customers

To whom i may concem.

Certificate of equipment satisfactory performance

From January 2011 to June 2015,we instaled TCK. W wire rope inspection expert system tor Mount Faber Line and Sentosa Line,to ensure our haul rope running salely.The system has been in operation for 10 years and 6 years respectively.The TCK W equipment functionalty is stl prefect.

The haul rope (6 core rope)is a ontfical component of our cableway sysem.Therefore,세 important to assess condition of the haul rope in order toenaure salo oporation.OEM statos the need for regular visual inspection of the complete haul rope to identily breakages of strands of wire or physical comosion of the haul rope.However,the inner condition of the haul rope could only be determined through non-destructive testing with the use of wire rope inspection system.The Mourt Faber Line and Sertosa Line uses is NDT wire rope monioring system to monitor the health status of the rope.

The TCK.W wire rope inspection expert systom combines with visual inspection systom,which is the most effective method to ensure ropewty operation salely. it also uses a low-magnetic feld system of cprationa to detect loss of cross-sectional area by comosion,dogradation or breakages therelore not aflecing the cableaay system tope postioning devioes.

Thank you for the excellent product.senvice and support for all these yoars.

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